
How To Find Winds Aloft

  • There are two main elements to a winds and temperatures aloft forecast:
    • Header [Figure 3]
    • Forecasted data [Figure 5]
    • Winds and Temperatures Aloft Forecast Altitudes
      Forecast Levels
    • Issued for a variety of altitudes based on location [Figure 4]
    • "FT" indicates the levels of the wind and temperatures data
    • A four-digit group shows wind direction in tens of degrees, the second two are wind speed in knots
    • Altitudes up to 15,000' the levels are true altitude (references to MSL)
    • Altitudes at or above 18,000' the levels are pressure altitudes (references to FL)
    • The symbolic form of the forecasts is DDff+TT in which:
      • DD is the wind direction
      • ff the wind speed, and
      • TT the temperature
    • Winds and Temperatures Aloft Forecast Altitudes
      Forecast Levels
      • Winds and Temperatures Aloft Forecast Altitudes
        Winds and Temperatures Aloft Forecast Data
      • No winds are forecasted within 1,500' of station elevation
      • Winds are forecasted true, indicated in tens of degrees (two digits) with reference to true north and wind speed is given in knots (two digits)
        • 2022: 200@22 knots
      • If forecast speed is less than 5 knots, the coded group is 9900 which means, "light and variable"
        • 990012: winds are light and variable, temperature 12°C
      • If forecast speed is greater than 100 knots, 100 is subtracted from the wind speed and 50 is added to the wind direction
        • 731960:
          • Step 1: 73-50 = 23 or 230
          • Step 2: 19 + 100 = 119
          • Result: 230@119 (temperature -60°C)
      • If the wind speed forecast to be 200 knots or greater, the wind group is coded as 99 knots
        • 189960: 180@200+ (temperature -60°C)
      • No temperatures are forecasted within 2,500' AGL of station elevation
      • No temperatures are forecasted in the 3,000' column
      • A six-digit group includes forecast temperatures in degrees Celsius
        • 192832: the last two digits show 32°C for the temperature but remember above 24,000' the negative sign is excluded
  • Winds and Temperatures Aloft Forecast Altitudes
    Winds and Temperatures Aloft Forecast Data
  • For more information, a paper copy of Aviation Weather Services: FAA Advisory Circular 00-45H, Change 1&2 (FAA Handbooks series) [Amazon] is available for purchase
    • A digital copy of Advisory Circular (00-45), Aviation Weather Services is available from the FAA's website
  • Winds and temperatures aloft have log validity times for conditions which can fluctuate often
    • Consider cross-checking wind readings with the VAD winds
  • Winds and temperatures are not forecasted within 1500 and 2500 feet respectively, meaning these blocks will appear blank for some stations in mountainous areas
  • Still looking for something? Continue searching:
  • Federal Aviation Administration - Pilot/Controller Glossary
  • Advisory Circular (00-45), Aviation Weather Services (7.4) Wind and Temperature Aloft Forecast (FB)
  • CFI - Aircraft Icing
  • CFI - Atmosphere
  • National Weather Service (NWS) National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP)
  • North American Mesoscale (NAM)
  • Wikipedia - Inversions
  • World Meteorological Organization (WMO)

How To Find Winds Aloft


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