
Smart Plugs That Work On 5ghz

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Smart plugs are a mainstay in most smart homes. They offer a cheap, easy way to command your dumb devices and integrate them into your smart dwelling ecosystem. Most smart plugs run on ii.iv GHz Wi-Fi, but some brands have now started offer 5 GHz-compatible smart plugs.

In this article, you'll find what a five GHz smart plug is and whether you should buy i or stick with 2.4 GHz smart plugs. Nosotros'll embrace the advantages of each, what 5 GHz smart plugs you can buy, and what smart home ecosystems they are uniform with.

What Is a v GHz Smart Plug?

A TP-Link smart plug, which is compatible with dual-band 5 GHz routers even though it runs on 2.4 GHz Wi-Fi

Near smart plugs connect to your Wi-Fi network. When people talk about five GHz smart plugs, they actually mean smart plugs that run on the 5 GHz Wi-Fi ring instead of the two.4 GHz band used by about smart home devices.

As we'll discuss beneath, though, that'south not always what manufacturers mean when they talk about 5 GHz smart plugs.

Do All Smart Plugs Work With 5 GHz Routers?

Wi-Fi smart plugs generally only piece of work with two.4 GHz Wi-FI networks. That doesn't mean that you tin can't use them with a five GHz router, though.

Most modern Wi-Fi routers create both 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz networks. If your router says "dual-band" or shows both ii.4 and 5 GHz on its label (run into the image below), and so yous can use it with either 2.iv GHz devices (like virtually smart plugs) or 5 GHz devices. You but need to connect the devices to the right network.

A Netgear dual-band router, highlighting where the label shows the two Wi-Fi bands.

Usually, the v GHz network will take a suffix similar "5GHz" or "5G". The 2.4 GHz network may either have no suffix or something similar "two.4GHz" or "2.4G". Your smart plug volition probably only run into the two.4 GHz network.

Are At that place Any five GHz Smart Plugs?

Most plugs labeled as "5 GHz-compatible" don't actually run on your 5 GHz network. Instead, they unremarkably mean that they are compatible with dual-ring routers. And yep, that's truthful of literally any smart plug—information technology'south only marketing hype.

The Leviton DW15P is the just smart plug I've found that runs on your 5 GHz Wi-Fi ring. It'due south also compatible with 2.four GHz, which makes it an especially versatile option. Unfortunately, it's often sold out on Amazon and other online retailers.

The Pros and Cons of 5 Ghz Smart Plugs

5 GHz networks are faster than 2.four GHz networks, just smart plugs don't require a lot of bandwidth for their operation. That extra speed only really matters if y'all plan to run a lot of devices on the same network. If that'southward your plan, you lot're besides going to need a powerful dual-ring router like the TP-Link AX6600.

2.4 GHz networks work at much longer distances than five GHz, roughly 150 feet instead of 50 feet. That makes 2.4 GHz the merely practical option for smart plugs in large homes (unless y'all desire a mesh Wi-Fi organisation). Past keeping your plugs on your 2.iv GHz network, you too get out more than of the faster five GHz network bachelor for streaming and gaming.

Does Alexa Work With 5 GHz Smart Plugs?

All the major smart home systems tin can connect to v GHz Wi-Fi networks and 5 GHz connected devices like smart plugs. That includes Amazon Alexa every bit well as Google Assistant, IFTTT, and SmartThings.

In general, your smart home ecosystem and smart hub (similar the fourth-gen Amazon Repeat) should be able to handle either 2.4 GHz or 5 GHz. However, they may merely exist able to connect to a unmarried one of those networks at a time, which is another expert reason to purchase all 2.4 GHz-compatible smart home tech.

If all your smart gadgets are on two.iv GHz, you tin easily run routines across multiple devices and fifty-fifty multiple ecosystems. That simplicity is of import, and y'all tin e'er upgrade your router or move devices between networks later if you accept any problems.

What'south Side by side?

In brusk, you probably don't need a 5-GHz smart plug. There are a lot more options for 2.4 GHz smart plugs, and any dual-ring router tin can handle both types of devices. Stick with a cheap, dependable plug like the Kasa Smart Mini or an outdoor-ready plug like the Ring Outdoor Plug, either of which will be just equally good as whatsoever 5-GHz smart plug.

If you want some cool ideas for what to do with your new plugs, cheque out my listing of 40+ smart plug ideas. I've included cool for saving energy and adding convenience to your life, ii of the biggest goals here at Smart Geek Home. If you want to become that going on a budget, most of the ideas pair nicely with my low-toll Alexa setup suggestions.


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