
Something Wrong With The World Today

Well… what would YOUR answers be if someone asked YOU that question?

Get together a group of random strangers and yous're likely to hear all manner of response – from offense, poverty, and unemployment – depression, oppression, recession – to terrorism, gangsterism, drugs and debauchery – pollution, global warming and decimation of our scarce natural resources.

You could probably recollect of more than than a handful of your own – if you chose to call back that way, that is.

Merely is it all doom and gloom?

  • Is humankind destined to destruction and demise by depravity, disaster and illness?
  • Is our society beingness overrun with law-breaking?
  • Tin nosotros truly say that now is the worst time in homo history?
  • Practice we all simply surrender and give in to a mediocre existence?
  • Shall nosotros merely accept things as they are, as our lot?
  • Is a pessimistic mental attitude really the all-time we tin can do?

Absolutely Non!

Of course there's still a lot 'incorrect' with the world…

Of course the world could still be a much better place…

Of course nosotros'll notwithstanding hear far more than negative news than good (nosotros volition discover why later on)…

It's easy to portray the world as being worse than ever, but because we know much more now than we ever did earlier.

Ane prime example…

Is that public perception of crime rates is at odds with reality, with fact and statistics. It's all merely far more advertised and sensationalized now, so we instinctively believe information technology'due south worse than ever.

So why do nosotros always assume everything is getting worse?

In reality, bad things take always been happening, and oftentimes on a far worse scale – nosotros just never heard about them as much.

In the by, we typically merely saw news and advertisements in newspapers and on TV, where they had express fourth dimension and infinite to select what they chose to broadcast, promote or publicize.

Nowadays, with the cyberspace, there is no limit to how much information we can access. It is no longer preselected for u.s.a.. While previously we were in the night most what was going on in other parts of the world, at present anybody with a mobile phone on whatever corner of the planet can upload a video for usa to run into in seconds.

We tin see it all and accept everything in – the good, the bad, and the ugly, all day every day.

There is simply just no limit to the amount of information out there. Whereas in the time before the cyberspace and social media era, at that place was.

Unfortunately, to chemical compound this, the bad things are the ones that always get into the forefront and this is past blueprint.

"We humans are wired to pay 10x more attention to negative news than positive news.
Being able to rapidly notice and pay attention to negative news (similar a predator or a unsafe burn) was an evolutionary advantage to go on you alive on the savannahs of Africa millions of years ago.
Today, we still pay more attention to negative news, and the news media knows this. They take advantage of information technology to drive our eyeballs to their advertisers. Typically, good news networks fail as businesses."

Peter Dimandis

And, despite all of this fear and scare, it is definitely NOT all doom and gloom!

Considering… (and here'due south the Practiced news)

Contrary to pop (mis)conception, and co-ordinate to numerous reliable resource the world, statistically and factually speaking, has never been in better shape.

Let's take a look since visuals ever pigment a better moving-picture show.

Number of Deaths From War

Deaths from wars are at the everyman point in homo history.
The world overall is more than educated then ever before.
Violent offense is mostly dropping to historical lows.
Absolute Poverty levels are too the everyman they accept been globally.

In other words:

"Life for almost all people on this planet has never been in ameliorate shape!"

Correct now, we're actually living in the safest and most prosperous time in all of human history.

And to quote Peter Diamandis (Entrepreneur and New York Times Best Selling Author):

"Nosotros truly are living in the almost heady time to be alive."

Information technology is foolish and deluded to think whatsoever differently. Yep we still take great problems that need to be solved, (pollution, addressing the climate, growing wage gaps etc) just overall there is no better era to be alive.

Living in fright negatively affects your attitudes and beliefs, which has a direct effect on your productivity and performance.

That is why it is and so critically necessary to have a positive outlook of the world. It is disquisitional for your own productivity, for your ain success.

Why is this all and so of import?

Because to be successful you demand to be productive.

You need to become stuff Done!

Procrastination is the Thief of Time – and Fearfulness is its Fire

Here'due south a quick honesty quiz to become y'all thinking – and, more importantly, ACTING:

Have you ever:

  • Noticed how difficult it is to make a decision when you're (fearfully) indecisive?
  • Found it easier to procrastinate and put things off to avoid the fear of failure?
  • Browbeaten yourself up because you know you could, or should, be doing more than?
  • Realized how footling you actually accomplish when you doubt yourself?
  • Felt that mediocrity and complacency are ok equally long every bit you lot're ok?

I'm sure we all have at one stage or another, simply what separates achievers from the mainstream is that they commit to productivity – to success – despite their fears.

And to banish all your doubts and fears for expert, you need to be informed – and properly informed.

If you believe everything in the globe is negative and then it's impossible for you lot to become the about productive and all-time version of yourself.

This poses the question in one case again.

Why exercise then many people think the world is worse now than it was?

Having more than data at our fingertips is a double edged sword. While we live in a world of easy access to information and know more ever before, we also live in the world of misinformation.

Misinformation which is generally designed to manipulate us to call back a sure way.

You may have been fooled before without evening knowing it. Ever heard of clickbait headlines? Of form, y'all have. These are designed to spark fearfulness and negative emotions in yous only generally, take no or profoundly exaggerated factual basis behind them.

Let's understand why clickbait exists.

Information technology'due south the effect of a perfect storm of:

  1. The country that media is in due to having to compete for your attention with the likes of Instagram, Facebook etc.
  2. Usually organizations or legacy businesses or really anyone trying to push button a false narrative to spread misinformation to protect themselves.
  3. People trying to manipulate the stock market for their ain financial gain.

"Media companies are desperate for content, drastic for sources, desperate for breaking news, and desperate for headlines that sell eyeballs."

Michael Barnard Chief Strategist, TFIE Strategy Inc. Height Author Quora since 2013. CleanTechnica, Forbes, Quartz+ more. In iv books.

1 specific example we can look at is the energy and automotive company Tesla.

By all measures, Tesla is an extraordinary success story.

  • They pretty much single handedly pushed the electric vehicle and bombardment revolution
  • They are ane of the top 10 fastest growing brands
  • They announced and are launching their full self driving computer, a first in all automobile makers
  • They grew their workforce by 5700 percent since the last recession (2008/2009) more then any other silicon valley company (with over 37,000 employees now)
  • Their sales are on an exponential growth nautical chart, as seen below.

Notwithstanding if yous follow Tesla in the news, you won't run into any of this. You volition only hear about how the company is on the verge of bankruptcy, their cars always break down, the CEO is a nut case or something forth those lines.

Why is this?

Information technology's a combination of all 3 of our factors above working into play.

  1. Tesla is a disruptor and seen as a threat to many legacy automakers and oil and gas companies.  Information technology's well known and documented that oil and gas companies similar Exxon Mobil have been publishing false narratives about climatic change, electric cars or anything seen as a threat to their bottom line.
  2. Tesla is the nearly shorted stock on the New York stock exchange. In case you don't know what that means, hither is a quick summary from Hamid Shojaee

"Crazy as information technology seems, it is perfectly legal to sell a stock you don't own (this is called "shorting a stock"), then spread crazy, unsubstantiated rumors about the company being on the verge of defalcation. Then when investors panic and sell the stock, yous "cover" your short position past purchasing the stock once more at a lower price than what you had sold it for.

Hamid Shojaee – Tesla Autonomy Day, the stock, short sellers and more.

In Summary:

1.) Yous sell a stock you don't own ("shorting")

2.) You spread misinformation nigh the stock to lower its price

three.) You purchase back the stock at a lower cost

Yous can imagine, with Tesla being most shorted stock on the market there is a lot of nonsense flight around out there.

3. This plays into signal #iii above. Unfortunately, considering we know the media chases these negative stories equally it's what gets them clicks, that'southward all they tend to publish. Anything with Tesla and Elon Musk is big draws to getting people to click on links as well.

Now, I closely follow Tesla so I know the details, nonetheless, if all you lot saw was the clickbait style headlines, the version of Tesla you see in the news is radically different than the state the company is really in.
This is simply one in-depth explanation, only I wanted to clearly illustrate how you lot tin be "played" by the news and the people purposely manipulating it.

Another example is plane crashes.

Whatever time a plane crashes anywhere y'all volition probably hear nearly it on the news or online. Yet, you won't hear a peep about the over iii,000 people that dice in car crashes each day (1.25 meg per yr average), a number that is enormously larger then overall deaths due to aeroplane crashes.

Almost nobody fears driving in their automobile but so many people take a fear of flying. Even though the statistics show that in reality, if you fearfulness a crash, you should be far more terrified of driving.

Let'southward look at one terminal example which has been 1 of the news's favorite pieces over the past decade.

This would exist terrorism and clearing and how scary they are. The coverage of this can make you sound like terrorists are lurking effectually the corner but let's illustrate how ridiculous this is.

Y'all are statically more likely to die from being struck by lightning, having furniture fall on y'all, or falling from a ladder while putting up Christmas lights and this isn't even counting things similar obesity and heart disease. Source.

But more people fear terrorists then what they put into their trunk and the consequences of that.

Through the abiding battery of these clickbait style headlines, it'southward like shooting fish in a barrel to get us to become misinformed and afraid of things, even when it makes no logical sense to exist afraid.

That is why it is vital to protect yourself against this external barrage and practice your own fact-checking on anything that is important or relevant to your life and goals.

And why does this all matter?

Because if yous believe the world is all doom and gloom you lot will never perform at your best.

Try the following to aid propel you above all the noise of the world:

Your Fact Bank check Action Plan

(Aka – how to stay informed, non misinformed)

When you read a headline is it factual or are you lot getting played by someone equally we saw above? If a headline sparks a negative emotion in you right away, at that place's a good take a chance something is amiss. Here'southward a 5-Stride Guide y'all tin can follow to find out:

  1. Decide whether the data you're presented with is credible and believable. Does someone stand up to financially or personally gain from making you believe or be afraid of it?
  2. Discard annihilation that is not important to you, or does not negatively impact your life. Clickbait headlines are designed to take hold of your attention fifty-fifty if you don't care about the subject. If it'south not important to you don't let them succeed.
  3. Do as much cross-referencing every bit you tin can by searching for similar news items or subjects. Anybody can write anything on the internet and so one article doesn't mean anything. If you lot can find 5-10 solid references on the subject then that's more than likely to exist truthful.
  4. Delve deep to uncover as much truth about matters that you intendance about really have an effect on your life and goals.
  5. Discuss these topics with people in the know or join forums or conversation groups with authorisation in these areas.

Ane of the best sources to cheque fake news, conspiracy theories, urban legends and scams is where they make information technology their mission to uncover the truth.

MOST IMPORTANT: Make it YOUR mission to uncover the TRUTH about anything at all that impacts or is relevant to your life!

Now, onto the Expert stuff…

Juxtapose – or Just Suppose… (The Transition – The New YOU)

In other words, IMAGINE. Just imagine for a moment…

Y'all overcame all the imperfections in the world. Y'all became immune to the destructive nature of misinformation. You made decisions based on fact and reliable, researched data.

You became super-confident, optimistic and enthusiastic about life.

You decided, right now in this instant, to flick that switch – to light that fire in you – and commit to a life of positive productivity.

Y'all suddenly felt the rush of feel-good endorphins and the moving ridge of positive emotions as you lot imagined yourself, right at present, where you lot would be in your platonic globe.

Information technology's no dream!

Y'all were built-in and gifted with everything you need to make a massive success of your life.

It's actually all upwards to Yous to commit to beingness Ever Productive!

Because, let's face it, nosotros can't brand the world a improve place overnight. Only we tin make it better ane private at a fourth dimension. And each of these amend individuals becomes a shining, positive instance to others. An inspiration.

Nosotros create a wave, we create a movement…

And we brand the world a amend identify!

And finally…

So, in endmost, what do you think Charles Dickens meant fashion back in 1859 when he said in A Tale of Two Cities: "Information technology was the best of times, it was the worst of times…"?

I think he meant information technology was the All-time of times for those who CHOSE for it to exist so!

And when YOU choose to exist Ever Productive, our FREE course is waiting for yous.

WHAT IS Ever Productive?

Everything you need to know well-nigh edifice your most productive life. Simplified in an like shooting fish in a barrel to follow system in this master course.

Make the nearly of your life – exist Always Productive,

PS: An exceptional read to inform and inspire you – at very least to go you thinking (differently) – is "21 Lessons for the 21st Century" by Yuval Noah Harari.




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